Awards 00

Emmy, Nomination for outstanding commercial, McDonald’s “Baby”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Powerade “Ankles”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film Craft, Powerade “Ankles”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film Craft, Powerade “Movie”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Academy of Motion Pictures “Overlook Hotel”

Cannes, Gold, Film, Old Spice “5-Year Plan”

Cannes, Silver, Film, Powerade “The Corner”

Cannes, Silver, Cinematography, Powerade “The Corner”

Cannes, Bronze, Film, Old Spice “Innocent”

Cannes, Bronze, Online Film, Old Spice “Perfect Ending”

Cannes, Bronze, Online Film, Old Spice “Standoff”

Cannes, Shortlist, Direction, Old Spice “Smell 'Em Who's Boss”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Powerade “Expectations”

Cannes, Gold, Film Direction, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Silver, Film Editing, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Shortlist, Corporate Image, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film Cinematography, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Shortlist, Entertainment Online, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Shortlist, Corporate Image & Sponsorship, AT&T “Close to Home”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, TurboTax “Never a Sellout”

Cannes, Silver, Branded Content, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

Cannes, Shortlist, Cyber “From One Second to the Next”

Cannes, Shortlist, Integrated AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

Cannes, Shortlist, Outdoor, Frito-Lay “911”

Cannes, Shortlist, Outdoor, Frito-Lay “Fish Bowl”

Cannes, Shortlist, Outdoor, Doritos “Jacked SXSW”

Cannes, Shortlist, Outdoor, Jameson “Pub Paintings”

Cannes, Shortlist, Design, Jameson “Pub Paintings”

Cannes, Bronze, Film, Skittles “Borrow”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Jameson “Fire”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Jameson “Lost Barrel”

Cannes, Bronze, Film, McDonald’s “Baby”

Cannes, Shortlist, Film, Jameson “Lost Barrel”

Cannes, Shortlist, Outdoor, Skittles “Shaolin”

Cannes, Gold, Radio Campaign, NTRA

One Show, Merit, Integrated Campaign, Old Spice x The Witcher

One Show, Shortlist, Film, Old Spice x The Witcher

One Show, Merit, Campaign, Old Spice “Smell Like Your Own Man, Man”

One Show, Gold, Film, Old Spice “Five-Year Plan”

One Show, Silver, Old Spice, Smell 'Em Who's Boss Campaign

One Show, Merit, Cross-Platform Campaign, Powerade

One Show, Merit, Film, Powerade "The Corner"

One Show, Gold, Online Film, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Gold, Craft: Cinematography, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Gold, Craft: Editing, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Silver, Branded Entertainment Music/Sound, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, Social Responsibility, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, Craft: Writing, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, Craft: Music/Sound, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, Branded Entertainment Direction, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, Branded Entertainment Cinematography, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Merit, One Screen Narrative, Branded Entertainment Cinematography, AT&T “Close to Home”

One Show, Gold, Branded Content, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

One Show, Silver, Long Form, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

One Show, Merit, Interactive, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

One Show, Merit, Documentary, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

One Show, Bronze, POP, Jameson “Pub Paintings - Single”

One Show, Merit, POP, Jameson, “Pub Paintings - Single”

One Show, Merit, Radio Campaign, Jameson

One Show, Merit, Integrated Campaign, Jameson

One Show, Bronze, :60 TV Jameson "Fire"

One Show, Merit :30 TV Jameson "Fire"

One Show, Merit Out of Home Skittles

One Show, Gold, NTRA Radio Campaign

One Show, Merit, NTRA Radio “Shakespeare”

One Show, Gold, NTRA Radio Campaign

One Show, Merit, NTRA Radio Campaign

One Show, Merit, NTRA Radio “Dinner Date”

One Show, Merit, NTRA Radio “Movie”

One Show, Merit, NTRA Radio “Mall”

One Show, Merit, Self Promo

D&AD, Graphite Pencil, Film Campaign, Old Spice “Smell 'Em Who's Boss”

D&AD, Graphite Pencil, Film Craft, AT&T “Close to Home”

D&AD, Wood Pencil, Film Craft, AT&T “Close to Home”

D&AD, In Book, Digital Film, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

D&AD, In Book, Film Craft, Jameson “Fire”

Webby, Winner, Music Video, Old Spice “Barbershop Sextet”

Webby, Winner, Video Experimental, Old Spice “Curls are Cool”

Webby, Honoree, Branded Content, Old Spice “Barbershop Sextet”

Webby, Honoree, Video Experimental, Old Spice “Curls are Cool”

Webby, Honoree, Online Film, Powerade “Ankles”

Webby, Nominee, Online Film, AT&T “Close to Home”

Webby, Nominee, Mobile Campaign, AT&T “It’s Our Time”

Webby, Nominee, Mobile Single, AT&T “It’s Our Time”

Webby, Nominee, Online Film, AT&T “One Second to the Next”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Original Music, Old Spice “Barbershop Sextet”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Advertising Excellence, AT&T “Close to Home”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Direction, AT&T “Close to Home”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Jameson “Fire”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Jameson “Lost Barrel”

Permanent Collection at MoMa, Pepsi “Refresh Anthem”

AICP Shortlist Coca-Cola Advertising Excellence Campaign

AICP Shortlist Coca-Cola Chase Next Awards

AICP Shortlist Free The Bid PSA

AICP Shortlist Free The Bid Post PSA

AICP Shortlist Free The Bid Director

ANDY, Silver, TV Campaign, Old Spice “Smell 'Em Who's Boss”

ANDY, Silver, Direction, Old Spice “Smell 'Em Who's Boss”

Gold Effie Coca-Cola "New Coke"

Gold Effie Turbo Tax "The New Way To Do Taxes"

Gold Effie Jameson Irish Whiskey "Taste Above All Else" 

Clio Hall of Fame, NTRA campaign

Clio, Bronze, Old Spice, “Smell Em" campaign

Clio, Gold, AT&T Direction “Close to Home”

Clio, Silver, AT&T Cinematography “Close to Home”

Clio, Bronze, AT&T Short Form  “Close to Home”

Clio, Shortlist, AT&T VFX “Close to Home”

Clio, Shortlist, AT&T Sound Design “Close to Home”

Clio, Gold, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

Clio, Bronze, AT&T “From One Second to the Next”

Clio, Gold, Jameson “Fire”

Clio, Bronze, Jameson Global Campaign

Clio, Shortlist Jameson Pub Paintings

Clio, Bronze, McDonald’s “Baby”

Clio, Shortlist, McDonald’s “Baby”

Clio, Shortlist, Pepsi “Refresh Anthem”

Clio, Silver, NTRA Radio Campaign

Clio, Shortlist, NTRA “Shakespeare”

Clio, Shortlist, Meijer Radio “Jingle”

Clio, Shortlist, Radio, NTRA “Guys Night Out”

Clio, Shortlist, Radio, NTRA “Movies”

Radio Mercury Award, Best Integrated Campaign, AT&T It Can Wait

Radio Mercury Award, Finalist, AT&T It Can Wait “Chandler”

Radio Mercury Award, Finalist, NTRA “Shakespeare”

Radio Mercury Award, $100,000 Grand Prize NTRA “Dinner Date”

Radio Mercury Award, Finalist, NTRA “Movies”

Radio Mercury Award, Finalist, NTRA “Saturday”

Radio Mercury Award, Finalist, NTRA “Camping”

Art Directors Club, Bronze, VFX, AT&T “Close to Home”

Art Directors Club, Merit, Direction, AT&T “Close to Home”

Art Directors Club, Bronze, Out of Home, Jameson “Pub Paintings”

Art Directors Club, Gold, Radio Campaign, NTRA

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Campaign AT&T It Can Wait

Communication Arts Design Annual, Campaign AT&T It Can Wait

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Campaign AT&T It’s Not Complicated

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Print Cheetos

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Integrated campaign, Jameson

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Out of Home, Jameson

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Campaign, Starburst

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Campaign, Skittles

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Jameson, “Fire”

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, McDonald’s, “Baby”

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Jameson, “Lost Barrel”

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Radio Campaign NTRA

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Radio Campaign NTRA

Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Radio Campaign NTRA

London International Awards, Gold, Film/Direction, AT&T, “Close to Home”

London International Awards, Gold, Film/VFX, AT&T, “Close to Home”

London International Awards, Silver, Branded Content, AT&T, “Close to Home”

London International Awards, Gold, Radio Campaign NTRA

London International Awards, Gold, Radio Campaign NTRA